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Shock is the term used to describe the loss of effective circulation in the body. This can be caused by many reasons either due to the problem with the heart, problems with the veins and arteries, not enough blood to pump blood, fluid loss, or a combination of the above. 


  1. Severe blood loss.
  2. Major or multiple fractures.
  3. Major trauma.
  4. Severe burns or scalds.
  5. Severe diarrhea and/or vomiting.
  6. Severe sweating and dehydration.
  7. Heart disorders (heart attack).
  8. Abnormal dilation of blood vessels e.g.- severe infection, allergic reactions, severe brain/spinal cord injury 


The casualty’s condition will depend on the severity of the underlying cause and may include


  • Reduced level of consciousness
  • Faintness
  • Nausea/vomiting
  • Shortness of breath
  • Feeling cold



  • Pallor
  • Cold sweaty skin
  • Gasping for breath
  • Confusion or deterioration of the level of consciousness
  • Rapid, weak pulse.
  • In the early stages of blood loss, children and young adults may have a normal pulse rate but pallor is the warning sign.  


  1. Ensure the situation is safe.
  2. Ensure that there should be no crowd around the casualty and there should be proper ventilation
  3. Check the airway, breathing, and circulation, if found inadequate or there are warning signs start CPR.
  4. Manage the cause of the shock.

CPR / AED / First-Aid

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M. P. Khan